How To Remove Limescale From The Toilet

Bathroom with sink and toilet

Limescale buildup on the toilet can be a nuisance and an eyesore for your bathroom, but it’s also easy to remove. This guide will show you how to remove limescale from the toilet using simple tools and steps.

What do you need to remove the limescale from a toilet?

  • White vinegar (1 Litre)
  • Baking soda
  • Toilet brush
  • Scour pads
  • Lemon juice
  • A cloth

What is the best product to remove limescale?

The best product to remove limescale from a toilet is white vinegar. Using vinegar is one of the easiest ways to clean limescale from a toilet. It’s cheap and widely available, so there’s no need to spend a lot on cleaning products!

How to use vinegar to remove limescale from your toilet

  1. Pour the white vinegar into the toilet bowl (around the bowl) and allow it to sit for an hour, then scrub it with a toilet brush. Make sure to get all the nooks and crannies of the bowl. Then flush the toilet to remove any leftover vinegar and water mixture.
  2. Use a cloth soaked in vinegar to wipe the outside and the rim of the toilet. If you have a scouring pad you should scrub the under-rim inside of the bowl.
  3. Flush the toilet to remove the vinegar.

Voila! Your toilet is clean and shiny again!

How to remove limescale from the toilet under the waterline.

Before/ After – Limescale removed from toilet with vinegar and baking soda

A combination of vinegar and baking soda is also effective for removing limescale under the waterline. You can also soak a cloth in white vinegar and lemon juice to wipe down the outside of the toilet bowl for extra cleaning power.

Follow the below steps to remove limescale from under the waterline:

  1. Begin by filling your toilet bowl halfway with white vinegar and allow it to sit for at least an hour. This will kill any bacteria that may be living in the bowl and help to loosen the scale on the surface.
  2. Using a toilet brush, scrub away any grime that has accumulated on the bowl’s surface.
  3. Fill the remaining vinegar into the toilet bowl and allow it to sit for 30 minutes. The acid in the vinegar will continue to break down the remaining scale throughout the drain line and this will help remove any last bits of limescale that have settled on the outside of the bowl.
  4. Flush the toilet to clear any remaining water from the bowl and drain the pipes.
  5. Next, pour 1/2 cup baking soda into the toilet bowl and allow it to sit for 30 minutes. The baking soda will help neutralize any remaining acid in the bowl.
  6. Scrub the bowl with a toilet brush to remove the remaining baking soda.
  7. Finally, apply 1/2 cup lemon juice to the bowl and allow it to sit for 30 minutes. The acid in the lemon juice will help lift any remaining stains and odours from the bowl.
  8. Scrub the bowl with a toilet brush to remove any remaining lemon juice.

Happy days! You now have a clean and smell-free toilet.

If you wanted to, you could now use your usual bleaching method to finalise the cleaning.